Company Profile

About Us

We have built a system that allows you to own your own profitable business with very little startup cost.

This is the type of business that allows you to make money while you sleep.

We are giving you an opportunity to own a true and tried turnkey operation almost free.

All you have to invest is a little time to see what we have to offer, and make a decision to see whether or not you want to do it.

The business we are offering you today is your very own delivery franchise.


You may ask why not do it all yourself? I would say because together we may go further.

Our VISION and MISSION is to expand and grow together. With your help, we can help your community, the economy, help your franchise make money and help create new jobs in your area.

What We Do


We put a vast variety of food ordering options at our customers fingertips, and give you a chance to operate the delivery service that delivers it for them.


We do remote ordering, payment processing, and notifications to tell you what was ordered and where to bring it.


We help the community by purchasing local products and delivering to our customers to help them save time & money.

What We Offer

  • We offer you the template to follow to be successful.

  • We help you figure out how to operate, what to charge, what to pay, and give you free marketing tips.

  • Since we are a network of delivery companies, we learn and grow together.

  • If one solves a problem we offer the solution to others.

  • If a company finds a pitfall, we help you avoid it too.

Our Clients

Single parents, the elderly, & people without vehicles.

From business luncheons to nursing homes and hotels.

To regular people that just want to enjoy time off, don’t feel like cooking, or want to try a new dish.

Deliver company owners such as in Cedar Rapids IA, franchises, and mom & pop restaurants.

YES, you are the reason we can
do this in your area.